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TOP 3 Seated Posture Fixing Exercises | STRENGTH For Seniors

No one wants to have poor posture. Droopy shoulders, forward head, hump back…not a pretty picture or a picture of health for that matter.

These top 3 posture exercises from a seated position will help to fix your posture by building up your upper back, neck and rear shoulder muscles. Stand taller, improve ugly head posture and upper crossed syndrome and have healthier shoulders by doing these two posture correction exercises!

Poor posture could be defined as a defect in the processing of the sensory information coming from one or more of the sensory systems (muscles, joints, skin), causing the body to adapt to the faulty information it’s receiving.

Good posture could be characterized by having our spine perfectly aligned to withstand the pull of gravity, which affects our energy expenditure, hormone production, quality of life and homeostasis.

TOP 3 Seated Posture Fixing Exercises | STRENGTH For Seniors

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